To fill you in so far...Myself and my boyfriend Lorcan decided to leave Ireland in March and our plan was to come to Queenstown (with a short stop in Auckland on the way- Amazing!!) and then just see what happens. We don't have any major plans but we know we want to stay in Queenstown for snow season and enjoy everything it has to offer (except for the extremely low temperatures).
Our first impressions were that this place looks like something from a fairy tale (as you can see from my picture above which was taken from my bedroom window). I don't think I will ever ever tire of the scenery. Sunset is my favourite time of day anyway but something truly magical happens here when the sun starts to set and it's at times like that I wish I had a proper camera and not just my iphone (i am investing in a proper one). So far we haven't done much in terms of the usual adrenaline junkie stuff people do here, but we will get to that. We love just going down by the lake, grabbing some smoothies in Patagonia chocolates (a little cafe by the lakefront- amazing) and watching all the ducks. We then started feeding them and making up stories about their lives. We know they aren't as innocent as they seem to be!! No no..those ducks have some crazy shit going down. I know you would think our favourite thing to do in Queenstown so far would be a bit crazier than watching ducks but it's honestly so therapeutic.
(Just as a little side note: whenever I go to Type 'fuck' autocorrect changes it to duck..and honestly when I wrote 'duck' it changed it to 'fuck'. LOL)
The Queenstown gardens are another favourite place to relax and feel at peace. They also have tennis courts there and it has a lovely walk that brings you right back around to the lakefront.
So far I got work in a hostel, called Nomads Hostel. We stayed here our first week or so and I got chatting to a few of the staff, and next thing they told me they were hiring and then wadayaknow I'm hired!! Apparently we are in quiet season now so I feel very fortunate to have got a job so fast. I'm a housekeeper in the hostel and I won't lie and say its glamorous, BUT it will do. The hours are good (like 30-40 a week) and my pay is $15 and hour which isn't too bad. The word apparently on the street is that you won't get much bettter than that here.
I feel very fortunate but as if that wasnt lucky enough...our friend here knew a girl who was looking for a couple to move into her place...what are the actual chances?? I'm telling you this positive thinking thing really works. Only now that I am writing it all down am I realising how weirdly lucky we got....freaky shit.
As far as I can see from other people looking for places to live, Its difficult. Every place that gets advertised in the lakes ( the local free paper) seems to be snatched up pretty much straight away, and if you go through an agency they charge a letting fee, plus a couple weeks rent PLUS a bond and you will need references. So ya...a bit of a hassle. My advice would be to ask a place like this its all about who you know unfortunately. A lot of agencies want people to sign year contracts etc so it will be difficult to find a place, but some people might be looking for someone to stay for a couple of months. Same goes for will just have to keep asking around. A lot of jobs don't get advertised so just be really friendly and keep asking. In the busy seasons apparently there is work everywhere but if your timing is great like ours and you find yourself here in quiet season..that's just what you'll have to do.
At this present moment I am sitting in my living room over looking lake Wakatipu ( I don't know how to say it either..) the main lake of Queenstown. The town centre sits right on the shore of the lake which is then nestled in by the surrounding southern Alps. As you can imagine this makes for quite a view. Our house is out a bit from the town center and is with everything that is out of the town center..its uphill. As if our balcony with spectacular views wasn't enough, we also have a nice big window in our room so when I sit up in bed, I look straight over the mountains and lake. Its pretty surreal. It hasn't quite sunk in that we are here, let alone living in our own place with such beautiful views. A few days ago I woke up at stupid o'clock for work (6.30 am starts..I told you it wasn't glamorous) and as I was walking down I could see that all along the tops of the mountains were covered in snow. It was quite a magival view to wake up to first thing.
Although its not quite winter just yet the snow is still just on the tops of the mountains and it is getting super cold AND to my shock and horror it appears it is perfectly normal for houses not to have central heating Here in New Zealand! They must be made of thicker stuff than us Irish. The temperature can drop to -19° and with single glazed windows and no heating they would want to be. At least we have a stove where all of us can huddle around and not leave the one room, like the good ole days!! And I knew my boyfriend would come in handy for something along the way. My very own personal heater.
Most of the days have been really nice though, still chilly but sunny, although the sky just suddenly got very dark and angry looking and I can hear the wind howling down through the stove..I think I spoke too soon. The word on the street is that we should have nice weather for another few weeks until the real winter kicks in, and then we have to somehow brave it through the harsh winter and hope we make it out alive. Only joking..but seriously. I feel like I am in Game Of Thrones... Winter is coming and I'm daenerys of course and daenerys don't do cold. I won't lie I'm not really looking forward to the whole freezing our asses off. I'm all for being snuggly in the snow with some hot chocolate and fluffy slippers but that's only if I actually AM snuggly. I am feeling seriously sun deprived if I'm honest but it's still amazing here.
The one thing I am looking forward to this winter is of course skiing! I've never been before and I cant wait to finally experience it. There are three different ski resorts here so I think we are going to try them all..only joking. We missed the early bird offer so it really just comes down to the cheapest place. I literally cannot wait. I just know that I will love it even though I'll probably be crap. Ahhh the excitement. I'm not sure if you can stay up at any of the resorts but how cute would that be..staying in a little winter cabin looking out over the snowy mountains. A girl can dream.
Speaking of girls and dreaming..if you are dreaming of coming here for shopping you better dream again. One thing Queenstown is known for is for being really really expensive. I mean of course it has it all. Mountains, lakes, snow, sun...not to mention it's the adrenaline AND nightlife Capitol. The town centre itself is small and so I guess places can afford to sell overpriced merchandise. There are bus loads of tourists flocking in every single day, it's actually crazy. So many people from so many different parts of the world. I'm sure New Zealanders don't really feel like this is New Zealand. It's quite an extraordinary place though so with that being comes at a price.
I stupidly only brought one backpack with me and small little carry on bag. I was trying to be super efficient but turns out I was just being super dumb (I want to do a whole other post about what to pack for New Zealand). As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm a bit of an airhead so of course it's only natural that I forgot something, I'm surprised it wasn't my head. I left practically all my major items of makeup that I ALWAYS used behind. How you may ask?? Well basically I was staying in my boyfriends house a few nights before we left and we had a big going away party so of course I had my makeup there, and then I forgot it all because I'm just totes smart.
Anyhow it was not the end of the world but when I did finally get paid after a couple of weeks work (I was awaiting my IRD number which you need for working here for tax purposes, just FYI) I Firstly we bought food because A weeks worth of shopping came to about $120. Bare in mind this is getting the cheapest option of pretty much everything. It comes as a bit of a shock to the system. I'm so used to having an Aldi, lidle, and a tesco within walking distant where I could buy all my ingredients for dinner with less than €10.
But that's not where it ends...oh no. Of course I just had to go and buy me some makeup. I mean I was doing pretty well for the last month and a bit but I couldn't wait a minute longer. So I got these four items
That last parts a joke by the way..I swear.
Well that's pretty much the low down so far. We are settling in and adjusting to the new life style which is pretty relaxed. It's such a lovely safe place to live but it also has a wild side which makes it even better.
Today is the big mayweather vs pacquiao fight and I'm off work tomorrow so yes you guessed it...time to get my party pants on. 💃
Let me know what you think in comments:) do you ever want to visit Queenstown? Have u ever been here?
I'd love to hear all about it so drop me a comment if you like!
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